Saturday, October 18, 2008

News family freak out

OK, this is weird, but I agreed to have CBS Early Show come into our house and shadow our family for an entire day.
They arrive at 6:15 a.m. on Monday morning.
Am I insane? They are NOT EVEN PAYING us.

They have an idea to run a story on families who use technology to keep in touch. We do have cell phones and we do know how to text as well as "speak" using our "voices." But other than that, we have:
* A five-year-old computer with only 23% memory available after gobble-hound files and software such as Mp3Rocket, iTunes and my husband's photographs
* A six-year-old laptop coined (say aloud in quivering lilt) "Ol' Molasses"
* Relic sound system with five CD disk changer which no longer opens so we pulled off the top and now manually place CDs inside (defeats purpose of snappy automatic feature)
* An ancient VHS machine
* Land-line phones and matching answering machine

On the other hand, we do have two DVD machines, two Xboxes (one is newer with XBox Live), WiFi hookups, four separate cell phones, two of which are music phones and blue tooth devices that we don't use partly because they look so groovy perched on ears, anyone's ears, mind you. And multiple iPods and MP3s.

Even with all that crap, we are not early adopters.
Because we have NO money.
Also because I can't stand how some people get so wrapped up in technology that they become addicted and lose touch with things like "people" and stuff like "talking," and even "touching a book." Let alone reading a book. The other day, my son did something to our computer that resulted in passwords changing and a momentary Mommy freak-out when I discovered an entire e-mail account had been lost. But after a couple minutes of screaming into my fist, I solved the problem. No thanks to the Xbox service guy who had walked him through his password change in the first place, affecting my entire MSN Live profile. Roar. I ended up nicely hanging up on the man mid-way through all his ridiculous questions about how-I-found-their-service during my frantic call for help.
A struggle for survival.
Nope, I figured it out myself by hitting as many buttons as quickly and furiously as possible. I couldn't repeat to you what I did, I just know it worked.

In the end, the thing about technology is this: it will rule your life if you're willing to click through everything a screen tells you to do. I refuse to be a mouse-led sheep, the sun was shining and I had other stuff I wanted to do that day.

So, what is CBS going to see on Monday? I'm hoping a decently adjusted family. I did tell the kids not to swear or scream insults at each other, too much. And I told David to play his Xbox like he always does, just try not playing the most violent game in the house, please. Do us proud, little man. I'm trying to raise lovers and not virtual fighters in this home.


Mark Ippolito said...

The only bad PR is no PR. Way to go Romosers!!

Love, Mark

Anonymous said...

CBS just called to say it wouldn't air until TUESDAY. The nerve. Don't they know who they're dealin' with?!

So for those who are at all interested, set them TiVo's for Tuesday the 28th, 7-9 am no matter where you are in the US of A. Better than that, I'm sure the network would love REAL viewers. Do people still do that? Nah... just catch it afterwards on their website.

Go Tracy,


TRom said...

I think that's because the news industry folks consider us "soft news." I actually really enjoyed Monday and will write more about the experience tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Well,well...let's hope it doesn't backfire to appear as the frantic neanderthal family vainly attempting to stay one step ahead of the kids relentless web efforts to see all that's gross on the 'puter. Have you considered stand-ins?

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