Saturday, February 14, 2009


From Jewish Art, edited by Grace Cohen Grossma...Image via Wikipedia

I just recieved this e-mail in my inbox. I'm not sure if I should respond to the sender. It seems "friendly" enough. :)

I the lonely girl. To me of 28 years. 
I have found yours E-MAIL in agency of marriage.
I have addressed in agency of marriage to find the man.
I have paid to agency of marriage 8 $ to make questionnaire.
I have in a stock there data and a photo. To me have shown photos of several men. 
I at once have decided to write to you the letter. Thus I have found you!
But I search only for serious attitudes, please answer me.
Harmony, understanding and belief also very much it is important. If you interesting
corresponder with me also.
Write to me on my personal e-mail: sexsyluvushka@xxxx
I hope you to me, you will answer!
Your friend!!
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Thursday, February 12, 2009

What pile of hope?

My dad wrote me a card the other day, thinking he would make me feel better about the future. (To understand why he sent me this card, it helps to know that I've always loved horses). Inside the card, he reminded me about a time we had visited the country and he found me standing in a big pile of horse crap while looking around excitedly, shouting: 
"There's got to be a horse around here somewhere!"
Some people have the glass half full, I have the shit pile of hope. 

a writer's blog

a writer's blog